Take Action - Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could boost confidence in your skills and abilities in the workplace? Confident people tend to work more happily, and are unafraid to go for promotion or take on new challenges. Here are ten tips you can use at work to boost confidence in yourself.
Many people wish they felt more secure about their abilities on the job. In other words, they're looking for increased self-confidence when it comes to performing the work, dealing with coworkers, and handling tough situations. If you're one of these people, you're not alone. What can you do to feel more self-assured about your job?
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10 Things You Haven’t Tried To Boost Your Confidence At Work
1. Cut the negative self-talk
No-one ever got better at anything by beating themselves up. Talk to yourself kindly, and encouragingly, rather than ragging on yourself for making mistakes. A positive mindset will help you learn more easily, which will boost confidence.
2. Boost your knowledge
A sure-fire way of being more certain of what you’re doing is to learn more. Read up on the latest research to enhance your knowledge. Knowing how and why certain practices and processes work can boost confidence in your ability to do them.
3. Rinse and repeat
Practice is the cornerstone of success. But it’s not only the practice – it’s also correcting mistakes along the way. Every time you complete a task, ask yourself how you could improve on it even more the next time you do it.
4. Build on your strengths
Studies have shown that a good way to boost confidence is to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Accept what you already do well, and make an effort to refine your better qualities. It’s a great confidence boost to do something excellently rather than adequately.
5. Pick up new skills
There is always room for improvement, and learning new skills will not only enhance proficiency at your job, but will also boost confidence. Watch what other people do successfully, and copy how they do it. Attend seminars designed to help you hone your skills and become a better worker. Pick useful skills such as time management, customer service, and productivity, or learn something new that will help specifically with your job.
6. Ask questions
Never be afraid to ask questions when you don’t know something. Doing a task incorrectly because you don’t fully understand it is not a good way to boost confidence. If you’re ever unsure of how something should be done, ask someone else what you need to do. Additionally, don’t go about a project without fully understanding the brief. Better than messing it up and lowering your confidence, ask for clarification of what precisely is required.
7. Eliminate negative language
Sometimes the very language we use limits us. If you’re walking around all day saying “I can’t…” you’ll find that you are closing your mind to solutions. Instead ask yourself, “How could I…?” Finding effective solutions will boost confidence greatly. Many people place unnecessary limitations on themselves at work, by using the word “but” in their communication. Stop saying “but” for a while and notice how you can get more done if you make an effort, rather than making excuses.
8. Focus on your successes
It’s difficult to boost confidence if you’re bemoaning what you don’t do well. Remind yourself of all the successful projects you’ve done to boost confidence in your abilities at work. Did you meet a tight deadline? Did you manage to turn a difficult project around? Did your boss praise one of your ideas? Recalling successful times at work is a better way to boost confidence instead of constantly focusing on the negatives.
9. Fake it until you make it
When approaching a new task or a fresh challenge, it is normal to feel under-confident. If you’re starting a new job, you can’t be expected to know exactly what you’re doing right from the start. But if you put on a positive frame of mind and act confidently, you’ll be surprised how far that will take you. Not only will other people trust in your abilities, but you’ll start to realize that you are a capable person with many skills to offer.
10. Have fun
There’s nothing worse for your self-esteem than taking yourself too seriously. Of course you want to do a good job, but you can also have fun while you’re doing it. Learn to laugh at your setbacks and mistakes, and take criticism with good humor – you’ll be amazed how being more light-hearted boosts your confidence and helps you improve yourself.
Or How Building Your Self-Confidence at Work
First, remember that you are not your job. That is, if you make a mistake at work, this does not mean that you are stupid, worthless, or that you're in the wrong position. It's all too easy to take mistakes personally, seeing them as a reflection of your true person rather than for what it is: a mistake. Even though it may not always appear so, everyone makes mistakes from time to time. The best way to deal with a mistake is to own up to it right away and present a solution. This shows that you are honest, and by presenting ways to fix the problem, your boss can send you on your way to deal with the issue. Acting honestly and straightforwardly is best for you--you'll feel better about yourself--and best for the company (which again will help you feel better).
Another common issue is feeling insecure when it comes to coworkers. Many people feel that they do not fit in, are unsure how to handle conflict, or have an overbearing coworker or boss that they don't know how to communicate with. Any of these feelings can wear at your self-esteem. You may feel you have nothing to offer the group, whether socially or on projects, you avoid conflict, and may allow others to step on you. If socialization is a problem, it will require you to step out of your comfort zone a bit. This does not mean you need to jump right in with a large company gathering; rather, take it slow by opening conversations with one or two coworkers. Chances are you'll have something in common. Asking questions about the other person is always a great way to go; just avoid questions with simple yes or no answers.
When dealing with conflict resolution and difficult employees, learning some proven communication techniques may be necessary. Consider attending a course on conflict resolution and dealing with difficult people. In the meantime, remember that the overbearing person likely has a lot of insecurities as well, and these are what cause the behavior. In the midst of conflict, do your best to avoid being pulled into argumentative situations. Don't reward the other person's behavior by getting upset or immediately backing down. If necessary, say you'll continue the conversation when everyone has had a chance to cool down. Dealing with negative coworkers is never fun. Try and remember that your self worth is not dependent on the coworker's approval, even if that person is your boss.
It could be you're feeling unsure about your skills. This one is pretty easy--learn more! Many companies offer continuing education options, will pay for schooling, or offer professional development in house. Whatever your employer offers, take advantage. If your company does not have this option, find some good books on the subject. Ask your colleagues for suggestions, or if you're a member of any type of professional group, seek advice there as well. Many of your peers will have good suggestions on what's worth looking into.
Finally, give yourself some challenges. One great way to build your self confidence at work is to take on a special project or extra work. If you choose something you feel passionate about or something in your specialty area, you can show yourself and your colleagues that you are able to produce results. Even if you fail, you're showing initiative and willingness by taking on special projects. Knowing that you put yourself out there, rather than sitting on the sidelines, can be a great confidence booster. And the same can be said for when it goes well.